
Kfarzabad, Ghassan Abou Faysal Bldg., near Ahel-Al-Raya Restaurant, ground floor.

Phone: +961 8 804 811 - +961 70 483 855


Email: c.zahle@mouvementsocial.org

Kfarzabad center was opened in the year 2002, following a geographical assessment of this marginalized area, that demonstrated the need to provide residents with job opportunities.
The center covers the region of Kfarzabad and neighboring villages reaching Bar Elias.
It was the first center to offer educational support programs for school dropout children, in a region with a high dropout rate. It also secures alternative schools for children who are outside the schooling system, in an attempt to reduce child labor.
This center also offers vocational training for youth and women, engaging them in their society and providing them with sustainable job opportunities.

Head of Center: Carine Louis.

The first Social Enterprise in Lebanon